What does «hidropatía» mean in Spanish?
- Therapeutic method based on the use of water as a healing agent, either internally or by external means such as steam baths. It is not part of orthodox medicine. Also called hydrotherapy, although the latter also includes treatments approved by traditional medicine.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Los balnearios surgieron para servir a las personas que buscaban los beneficios de la hidropatía, un tratamiento que implicaba una ingesta copiosa de agua".
- Morbid condition produced by water or sweat.
- (índice de hidropatía) The hydrophobicity index of an amino acid is a number representing the hydrophobic or hydrophilic properties of its side chain. It was proposed in 1982 by Jack Kyte and Russell F. Doolittle. The higher the number, the more hydrophobic the amino acid. The most hydrophobic amino acids are isoleucine (4.5) and valine (4.2). The most hydrophilic are arginine (-4.5) and lysine (-3.9). This is very important in protein structure; hydrophobic amino acids tend to be internal (with respect to the three-dimensional shape of the protein) whereas hydrophilic amino acids are more commonly found towards the surface of the protein.