What does «figurón» mean in Spanish?
- Augmentative of figure.
Examples of use in Spanish: "esa mujer tiene un figurón", dando a entender que tiene muy buena figura, muy buen cuerpo.
- Extravagant and presumptuous man.
- Man who likes to appear and be the center of attention.
- Protagonist or man of outstanding participation in something.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Messi fue el figurón del partido de fútbol disputado anoche".
- He starred in a comedy of figureheads (see below), which was characterized by being presumptuous and even ridiculous.
- (comedia de figurón) Comedy of the XVII century in which the protagonist was a ridiculous or extravagant guy.
Examples of use in Spanish: "la comedia de figurón es uno de los subgéneros dramáticos generados en el Siglo de Oro español".
"mi tesis estudia el subgénero teatral llamado comedia de figurón de los siglos XVII y XVIII".
- (figurón de proa) A figure that is placed on the bow of a ship as an ornament, also called a figurehead.