What does «engrifar» mean in Spanish?
- Frizzling, bristling of the hair, especially from a shock, fright, etc.
Examples of use in Spanish: "las barbas se le llegaban a engrifar de rabia".
"Don Nicanor sintió engrifar su pelo, se enfriaron sus extremidades".
- To become angry, irritated, pout or frown.
- (engrifarse) To become deranged by the effect of drugs (la grifa).
- (engrifarse) To steep a horse, to stand the animal on its two hind legs while raising the other two.
Examples of use in Spanish: "se engrifó el caballo al asustarse".
- (engrifarse) To rebel, to turn against someone.
- (engrifar las narices) Make an angry face.
♦ Used in: Spain