What does «disuasión» mean in Spanish?
- The action and effect of dissuading. The ability or inducement to change someone's way of acting, feeling or thinking by reasoning or other means.
Examples of use in Spanish: "la disuasión surtió efecto".
"la disuadimos para que aceptar el trabajo".
"técnicas de disuasión psicológicas".
"Agregar agentes en el turno de noche serviría como elemento de disuasión del delito en esa franja horaria".
- Force (or power) of deterrence. A set of modern military means intended to deal a decisive blow to the enemy.
- Military strategy aimed at preventing an enemy power from initiating a war for fear of retaliation.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el poder de disuasión de la OTAN".
- Nuclear deterrence. Psychological and defensive phenomenon based on the existence of nuclear weapons and resting on subjective assessments of intentions. It is the pivot on which the overall nuclear weapons strategy revolves. The foundations of nuclear deterrence were developed at the end of World War II.