5 sentences with 'retaliation'

Example sentences and phrases with the word retaliation and other words derived from it.

« His forces even attacked Ethiopia in retaliation for attacks on Egypt and received ambassadors from India and Scythia (present-day Ukraine). »
« Any perceived insult had to be met with retaliation, which meant that there was a lot of bloodshed among the powerful families; »
« A very ancient African tribe organised an expedition that went out to fight the wind in retaliation for the damage it had caused in the village. »
« This change gave them some independence from the assemblies, so that they could enforce parliamentary laws without fear that their pay would be withheld in retaliation. »
« However, peacefully relations between the Maori and the French didn't last. Two days later, Jean perceived that the Maori were stealing a Boat which had drifted ashore. In retaliation, Jean Burned down various Huts, food stores, nets and Canoes. Soon after, he took prisoner of the Ngati Kahu leader, Ranginui. Unfortunately, Ranginui died out at sea, on the 24th of March 1770. »
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