What does «dirimente» mean in Spanish?
- That annuls, undoes, dissolves or disunites.
Examples of use in Spanish: "decisión dirimente".
- That adjusts, concludes or composes a controversy.
Examples of use in Spanish: "prueba dirimente".
"cumplirá con imparcialidad su función dirimente de conflictos".
"teniendo a la vista los antecedentes de los anteriores análisis, se empleará una tercera muestra que será dirimente y definitiva".
- Magistrate who settles or resolves the discord or dissent of a collegiate tribunal.
Examples of use in Spanish: "juez dirimente".
"árbitro dirimente".
- (voto dirimente) That which serves to break a tie-breaking vote. It is usually granted to the president of a body as an additional vote.
Examples of use in Spanish: "será necesario el voto dirimente de otro magistrado para resolver la cuestión".
- (impedimento dirimente) An impediment that prohibits marriage to be contracted between certain persons, and annuls it if it is contracted. They differ from impediments, which, although they prevent or prohibit marriage, do not annul it.