What does «dignificar» mean in Spanish?

  • To make worthy; to confer or increase the dignity of a person or thing; to give distinction or honor; to ennoble.

    Examples of use in Spanish: "su sola presencia dignifica el lugar".

    "el trabajo dignifica".

    "lo dignificaron con un título de nobleza".

  • To elevate the status of something; to make honorable or respectable something that was unworthy or lowly.

    Examples of use in Spanish: "no dignifiques esa pregunta insultante dándoles una respuesta".

  • (dignificarse) To increase or elevate one's dignity or self-esteem; to consider oneself or make oneself worthy, deserving, respectable.

    Examples of use in Spanish: "respetar las normas cívicas es dignificarse como ciudadano".

    "el trabajo arduo y digno es la única forma de dignificarse".

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