What does «déspota» mean in Spanish?
- Sovereign who rules without any law; dictator, tyrant.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el déspota ha sido derrocado".
- A person who abuses his or her authority, superiority or power in relation to others.
Examples of use in Spanish: "es un déspota que siempre quiere que se haga su voluntad".
"un jefe déspota".
- The supreme ruler in some ancient peoples, such as the lord of a house or slaves in ancient Greece, or the Byzantine title of highest nobility in the Latin Empire, Bulgarian Empire, Serbian Empire and Empire of Trebizond. In some cases the territory they ruled was known as "despotado".
Examples of use in Spanish: "el déspota de Morea".
- Relating to despot or despotism; absolute, lawless, tyrannical.