What does «deprecatorio» mean in Spanish?
- In the form of a plea or supplication.
Examples of use in Spanish: "usó un tono deprecatorio para pedírmelo".
- Said of the word or phrase expressing a plea or supplication.
Examples of use in Spanish: "frase deprecatoria".
- The assignment or exhortation of specific functions that the judge of a main proceeding makes to another judge of equal hierarchy, for the fulfillment of a specific commission for, for example, when the requesting judge declares that he does not have jurisdiction for that specific proceeding.
♦ Used in: Ecuador - Expressing disapproval or contempt.
Examples of use in Spanish: "es famoso el comentario deprecatorio de Frost de que la poesía sin métrica es como jugar al tenis sin una red", ❗ aquí lo correcto hubiera sido usar "despreciativo" en lugar de "deprecatorio".