What does «coqueta» mean in Spanish?
- A woman who wants to please herself and others and, for this reason, she wears make-up, combs her hair and grooms herself regularly.
Examples of use in Spanish: "es una mujer coqueta a toda hora".
- Woman who flirts with other people.
- Beautiful, pleasant, elegant, sophisticated.
Examples of use in Spanish: "es una casa muy coqueta".
- Furniture similar to a desk, less wide, provided with a mirror, used for makeup, grooming and combing hair; dressing table.
Examples of use in Spanish: "la coqueta viene con luz en su espejo".
- Common name for the ornamental shrub Hibiscus rosa sinensis. Bushy foliage, broadleaf. It is used as a hedge in gardens. It is also the name given to its large red, yellow, pink and orange flowers.
♦ Used in: Puerto Rico