What does «comer» mean in Spanish?
- Food, nourishment.
- Eating and scratching, everything is starting; prov. which means that the most difficult thing in certain things is to start them.
- To chew and crumble food in the mouth and pass it to the stomach (u. t. c. t. and pr.).
- Taking food.
Examples of use in Spanish: "comer de todo".
- Take the main meal.
Examples of use in Spanish: "comer al mediodía".
- Take as food.
Examples of use in Spanish: "comer carne".
- Wear and tear.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el sol come los colores".
- Corrosion of metals.
- Spending, consuming.
Examples of use in Spanish: "comer el capital".
- Itching.
- Feeling uneasy.
Examples of use in Spanish: "los celos te comen".
- In chess, checkers and other games, to win a piece.
Examples of use in Spanish: "comer un peón", "comer una ficha".
- (ser pan comido) Be very easy.
Examples of use in Spanish: "resolver este problema es pan comido para mí".
- (sin comerlo ni beberlo) Without knowing how.
- (comerse) Eating.
- (comerse) Skipping something when speaking, reading or writing.
Examples of use in Spanish: "comerse una línea".