What does «colmo» mean in Spanish?
- That which exceeds the measure of something.
Examples of use in Spanish: "llenar el recipiente hasta el colmo".
- Complement or end of something. Finish of something.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el colmo de una obra".
- Last extreme or maximum degree.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el colmo de la locura".
- Part of matter that protrudes from the rim of a container that contains it.
- To be the height of a thing. That something is insurmountable, unconscionable, inadmissible or intolerable.
Examples of use in Spanish: "ya sos muy rico, sería el colmo si ahora ganas la lotería".
"lo estuve esperando toda la tarde, es el colmo que se enoje conmigo".
- To top it off. Expression used when a bad or negative event is followed by an equal or worse one.
Examples of use in Spanish: "me caí de la bicicleta y, para colmo, aprovecharon a robarme".