What does «cócona» mean in Spanish?
- Reward, tip, gratuity.
♦ Used in: Cuba - Pavipollo, kettle.
♦ Used in: Mexico
Examples of use in Spanish: "todavía quedan algunos huevos de cócona".
- Machine gun, submachine gun, rattle, stutterer.
♦ Used in: Mexico
Examples of use in Spanish: "Los infantes estaban bajo el fuego de una cocona".
"La cócona era la ametralladora que no nos dejaba nunca llegar al enemigo".
- Hunger.
♦ Used in: Mexico - Common name for Solanum sessiliflorum, also called tuber. A phanerogamous species native to tropical South America, belonging to the Solanaceae family. Fast-growing, initially herbaceous and then woody. Its fruit, weighing between 24 and 250 g and ranging in color from yellow to reddish, has a pleasant flavor from which jams, juices, compotes, etc. are made. It is cultivated in Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela.
Examples of use in Spanish: "me preparé un jugo de cocona".