What does «chichigua» mean in Spanish?

  • That is too little, small or insignificant; usually small amount of money.

    ♦ Used in: Colombia

    Examples of use in Spanish: "pagué una chichigua por esta camisa".

    "lo que cobra de jubilación es una chichigua ¡que no le alcanza para nada!".

  • An insignificant thing or small amount of something that is given or given as a gift and that because it is so small can be insulting.

    ♦ Used in: Colombia
  • Kite built by children to play with.

    ♦ Used in: Dominican Republic

    Examples of use in Spanish: "¡mi chichigua vuela como un ave!".

    "vamos a volar chichigua".

  • Easy woman.

    ♦ Used in: Dominican Republic
  • Undressed.

    ♦ Used in: Ecuador

    Examples of use in Spanish: "era una camioneta chichigua".

  • Butterfly.

    ♦ Used in: Mexico
  • Nanny, wet nurse.

    ♦ Used in: Mexico

    Examples of use in Spanish: "contraté a una chichigua para que críe a mí hijo".

  • Woman breastfeeding and caring for a baby.

    ♦ Used in: Mexico

    Examples of use in Spanish: "ella hoy no sale de su casa porque está de chichigua".

  • Yellow tecomate-shaped fruit with small seeds.

    ♦ Used in: Salvador
  • That nourishes, that breastfeeds.

    ♦ Used in: Mexico

    Examples of use in Spanish: "compró dos cabras chichiguas y sus cabritos para su finca".
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