What does «cernina» mean in Spanish?
- Trap in the game.
♦ Used in: Spain
Examples of use in Spanish: "va creciendo el empréstito de la cernina cada mes".
- (A la cernina) Successively doubling the stake or other amount in geometric progression.
- (Cernina) Municipality in Svidnik district in Prešov region, Slovakia, population just 596 (2017).
- (día de la Cernina) This day is dedicated to the remembrance of the sick and deceased members of the brotherhood, the only ordinary celebration in which music is omitted, since it is a mass for the deceased. Formerly it was held on the Monday following Trinity Sunday (which is the Sunday immediately after Pentecost), nowadays it is the Saturday immediately following Trinity Sunday. First, a mass was said for the deceased of the Brotherhood and "for the first brother to die" and, afterwards, the general meeting was held in the house of the prioste.
Examples of use in Spanish: "por último, día de la cernina, se rinden cuentas, se escota y se ofrece un funeral por el alma de los cofrades difuntos".
"La Caballada de Atienza (Guadalajara) que conserva una costumbre con bastantes reminiscencias celtas, como es en esta celebración el día de la cernina".