6 sentences with 'introducing'

Example sentences and phrases with the word introducing and other words derived from it.

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« In turn, the Vikings brought a large amount of Byzantine and Abbasid currency north, introducing cash into the largely barter-based economies of northern and western Europe. »
« Bismarck was so pragmatic that he ended up introducing social reforms to curb the growth of socialism, even though he was an arch-conservative (and therefore loathed the very idea of reform). »
« All animals take their food from the environment in which they live, introducing it into the body (ingestion) to break it down and decompose it (digestion) and thus make it reach all parts of the body in small particles. »
« Culture is dynamic, it transforms itself. The elements that form it - created and constructed by people - act on the members of the society that produces it and, at the same time, human beings retain the possibility of introducing new constructions. »
« Instead, what is evident in retrospect is that centralised states with legal control and the right to raise taxes throughout their territory began in earnest during this period, introducing new legal and political patterns that would only expand in the following centuries. »
« The Martian atmosphere is 96 per cent carbon dioxide, from which the oxygen needed to make the fuel would be extracted by introducing air into a processor and then heating it to about 1,900 degrees, breaking the bonds between the carbon and oxygen. Once the oxygen is released, it would be separated by a membrane that attracts the ionised atoms of the gas and liquefies it. It would then be stored in refrigerated tanks. »

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