8 sentences with 'retribution'

Example sentences and phrases with the word retribution and other words derived from it.

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« The knight embraced retribution after his courageous victory in battle. »
« The community expected retribution for the mayor's unethical decisions. »
« The judge enacted retribution as punishment for the defendant's crimes. »
« The warrior delivered retribution swiftly to those who betrayed his trust. »
« The detective pursued retribution against the criminal who violated justice. »
« Very often this took the form of arrogance, hubris and lack of self-control, which the Greeks believed was offensive to the gods and could bring divine retribution. »
« Also, one of the legacies of feudal law was the importance placed on honour and retribution; any insult or slight could initiate reprisals or even plunge an entire kingdom into civil war. »
« The Hebrews of antiquity applied the "law of retribution", which condemned the offender to suffer a damage equal to that committed in the crime. It is summed up in the phrase "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth". Do you agree with this and have you ever behaved according to this "law"? »

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