11 sentences with 'proclaim'

Example sentences and phrases with the word proclaim and other words derived from it.

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« We proclaim the victory at the rally. »
« They proclaim a new era of renewable energy. »
« Council members proclaim unity in a challenging time. »
« The scientist will proclaim his discovery during the conference. »
« Writers and readers proclaim creativity in every published book. »
« The spot on its nose and the stripe along its back, both white, proclaim the presence of this creature, which no one wishes to confront. »
« John Tyler of Virginia ran for vice-presidential candidate, prompting Whigs to proclaim "Tippecanoe and Tyler too!" as a campaign slogan. »
« Not to be deterred, Polk encouraged Thomas O. Larkin, the American consul in Monterrey, to help American settlers and Californios, the Mexicans living in the state, who wanted to proclaim their independence from Mexico. »
« This was an unprecedented development: it was not traditional for a Germanic ruler to proclaim himself king of a different people - how could Charlemagne be "king of the Lombards", since the Lombards were a separate clan and kingdom? »
« Opinions were divided, and some representatives seemed ready to proclaim a descendant of the Incas, the ancient rulers of Tahuantisuyo, as king. Fray Justo de Santa María de Oro, deputy for San Juan, managed to prevent this from happening. »
« The Futurist Manifesto went on to proclaim, ominously, that "we want to glorify war - the only cure for the world" and that the Futurists were dedicated to demolishing "museums and libraries" and sought to "fight against morality, feminism and all opportunistic and utilitarian cowardice". »

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