11 sentences with 'privileges'

Example sentences and phrases with the word privileges and other words derived from it.

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« The bourgeoisie is characterized by its economic and social privileges. »

privileges: The bourgeoisie is characterized by its economic and social privileges.
« Despite the social and political changes of the preceding centuries, European nobles continued to enjoy tremendous legal and social privileges. »
« Non-nobles were constantly reminded of their inferior status through the legal privileges enjoyed by nobles and the array of visible symbols of their status. »
« Likewise, Roman law faded away to be replaced by feudal law traditions and a very complex web of rights and privileges that rulers granted to groups in society (to help ensure the loyalty of their subjects). »
« Thus, clan loyalty became less important over the centuries than the rights, privileges and pledges of loyalty offered and maintained by the different social categories: peasants, citizens, warriors and church members. »
« Only nobles had political representation in the various parliamentary bodies, with the notable caveat that cities still had privileges of their own (the Paris parliament, for example, wielded significant power in French politics). »
« Also, an important political and social structure that the philosophers attacked was the fact that nobles enjoyed vast legal privileges but generally had done nothing to deserve those privileges other than being born into a noble family. »
« However, Catherine the Great's enthusiasm for the Enlightenment waned considerably when the French Revolution began in 1789, and although Russian nobles saw their own privileges extended, the vast majority of Russian subjects remained serfs. »
« Spanish monarchs also attacked the privileges of their own nobility, in some cases literally destroying the castles of defiant nobles and forcing the nobles to come and pay homage at court (in the process neutralising them as a threat to their authority). »
« One aspect of the tightening of social hierarchies, necessitated in part by the great legal benefits enjoyed by members of the nobility in the absolutist system, was that the rights and privileges of the nobility were for the first time codified in clear laws. »
« On 4 August 1789 the National Assembly voted to end feudal privileges (the rights of landowners to coerce the peasantry to work and pay various kinds of fees), on 14 August it abolished the sale of offices, and on 26 August it issued a Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, modelled in part on the US Bill of Rights. »

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