6 sentences with 'lent'

Example sentences and phrases with the word lent and other words derived from it.

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« Iconoclasm also lent itself to what would eventually become a permanent division between the Eastern and Western churches - Orthodoxy and Catholicism. »
« However, there was another major cause of conflict in that century, one that lent itself to the savagery of many of the religious wars of the period: the Little Ice Age. »
« This perspective lent itself to one in which God could be seen as a great scientist or watchmaker: the divine intelligence that created a perfect universe and then set it in motion. »
« In general, the kind of journalism that exploded in the late 19th century lent itself to the cultivation of scandal. Important events and trends were linked to the sensationalist journalism of the time. »
« With a balance lent to them by the local pharmacist, much more accurate than their mother's, Louis improved on van Monckhoven's method. The plate he obtained not only gave better results in less time, but could also be mass-produced. »
« Nineteenth-century scientific advances also lent themselves directly to European power, most obviously in the sense that modern medicine enabled European soldiers and administrators to survive in regions such as sub-Saharan Africa that had been death traps for them in the past due to the prevalence of tropical diseases. »

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