9 sentences with 'prevented'

Example sentences and phrases with the word prevented and other words derived from it.

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« The high price of the shoes prevented me from buying them. »

prevented: The high price of the shoes prevented me from buying them.
« A series of reforms in Britain, however, prevented a revolution along continental lines. »
« English forces tended to be better organised than French forces, so even France's much greater wealth and size prevented great English victories. »
« At that time there were a lot of received notions and prejudices, especially against working with human cadavers, which prevented large-scale experimentation. »
« Only the Russian invasion had prevented Hungary from achieving independence, and the Italian uprisings against Austria had only been contained with great difficulty. »
« The alleged Atlantic island, being in the path of the Gulf Stream, prevented the warm Gulf Stream from reaching the Arctic and would have been the cause of a glacial period. »
« In a famous episode early in Justinian's reign, his wife Theodora prevented Justinian and his advisors from fleeing a mass riot against his rule, inspiring Justinian instead to order a counter-attack that might well have saved his reign. »
« This event prevented what might well have been a Mongol push into Central Europe itself; the Pope at the time called for an anti-Mongol crusade and Europeans who understood the extent of the threat were terrified at the prospect of the Mongols marching further west. In reality, the Mongols never returned. »
« However, as soon as the war ended, men generally did their best to reverse many of the changes in gender roles it had caused. Through a combination of legal restrictions and quasi-legal practices, women were forced out of traditional male jobs, prevented from enrolling in universities and medical schools, and paid far less than men for the same work. »

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