20 sentences with 'homeland'

Example sentences and phrases with the word homeland and other words derived from it.

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« My homeland is Mexico. I will always defend my homeland. »

homeland: My homeland is Mexico. I will always defend my homeland.
« The soldiers' oath is to defend the homeland with courage. »

homeland: The soldiers' oath is to defend the homeland with courage.
« The longing to return to his homeland always accompanies him. »

homeland: The longing to return to his homeland always accompanies him.
« There is nothing more important to a person than the homeland. »

homeland: There is nothing more important to a person than the homeland.
« The love for my homeland is the purest and most sincere feeling that exists. »

homeland: The love for my homeland is the purest and most sincere feeling that exists.
« The flag is a symbol of the homeland that proudly flies at the top of the mast. »

homeland: The flag is a symbol of the homeland that proudly flies at the top of the mast.
« My homeland is Mexico. I have always loved my land and everything it represents. »

homeland: My homeland is Mexico. I have always loved my land and everything it represents.
« The poet writes to his homeland, writes to life, to peace, writes harmonious poems that inspire love. »

homeland: The poet writes to his homeland, writes to life, to peace, writes harmonious poems that inspire love.
« The ideals of the Argentine man allow us to make our homeland a great, active, and generous one, where everyone can live in peace. »

homeland: The ideals of the Argentine man allow us to make our homeland a great, active, and generous one, where everyone can live in peace.
« Betrayal of the homeland, one of the most serious crimes stated by law, consists of the violation of a person's loyalty to the state that protects them. »

homeland: Betrayal of the homeland, one of the most serious crimes stated by law, consists of the violation of a person's loyalty to the state that protects them.
« His remains rest there today, in the mausoleum that posterity erected as a tribute to the one who sacrificed himself so that we could have a great homeland. »

homeland: His remains rest there today, in the mausoleum that posterity erected as a tribute to the one who sacrificed himself so that we could have a great homeland.
« Unlike the other Germanic tribes, the Franks did not abandon their homeland when they set out for new territory. »
« Cookston, my homeland, is a farming community of 8,000 nestled in a corner of northwestern Minnesota, and it's rare for anything extraordinary to happen there. »
« Millions of people were torn from their homeland, transported to a foreign continent in appalling conditions, and worked to death or killed by their owners in the name of "discipline". »
« The current ongoing Israeli-Palestinian crisis is as much the result of arbitrary borders drawn by former imperial powers as it is a unique case of a nationalist movement that has achieved its goals for an ethno-religious homeland. »
« According to North, he had met President Reagan in the residential section of the White House to watch on television as the American medical students rescued from Grenada arrived in his country and kissed the soil of their homeland. »
« Another uprising decades later (between 132 and 136 CE) resulted in the almost complete dispersion of the Jews, to the point that the Jewish homeland was effectively lost to them until the founding of the modern state of Israel in 1948 CE. »
« During World War I, the British had promised to support the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine and assured various Arab leaders that Britain would help them create independent states after the expected demise of the Ottoman Empire. »
« Encouraged by the radical political changes in Russia, cellist and conductor Mstislav Rostropovich and his wife, Galina Vishnevskaya, have decided to do something "truly significant" for their homeland. They are to establish a foundation to build and equip a modern children's hospital in Moscow. »
« Even the official British declaration offering support for a Jewish homeland - the Balfour Declaration of 1917 - specifically included language promising the Arabs of Palestine (both Muslim and Christian) support for securing their own 'civil and religious rights'. In other words, the dominant European power in the area at the time, and the one that was to rule it directly from 1920 to 1947, sought to appease both sides with vague assurances. »

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