9 sentences with 'monasticism'

Example sentences and phrases with the word monasticism and other words derived from it.

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« She studied monasticism to understand the origins of community rituals. »
« Local artists embraced monasticism as inspiration for their modern murals. »
« The traveler admired monasticism for its peaceful and structured lifestyle. »
« Scholars compared monasticism to similar social movements in medieval Europe. »
« Ancient ruins reveal monasticism influencing cultural heritage in remote villages. »
« Originally, monasticism was linked to asceticism, that is, self-denial, following the example of an Egyptian holy man named Antony. »
« Near the end of the third century, a new Christian movement emerged that would have important ramifications in the history of the Christian world: monasticism. »
« The most important development in monasticism was the work of Benedict, an Italian bishop, who wrote a book known as the Rule in about 529 that set out how monks should live. »
« These patterns also affected monasticism. The idea behind monastic orders had been to imitate the life of Christ, but by the early modern period, many monasteries (especially urban ones) had successful industries, and monks often lived in relative luxury compared to city dwellers. »

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