7 sentences with 'torture'

Example sentences and phrases with the word torture and other words derived from it.

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« The Inquisition had the right to subject people to interrogation and torture and, in extreme cases, to execute them. »
« Under ancient Roman law the rich were protected from torture and painful executions, while the poor were subject to both. »
« The judges of the Star Court were royal officials appointed by Henry, and regularly used torture to extract confessions from the accused. »
« Infamously, the French army almost immediately resorted to a systematic campaign of torture against captured rebels and those suspected of having information that might help the French. »
« Several monarchs in the latter part of the 18th century did, in fact, prohibit torture in their kingdoms, and "rationalised" justice systems evolved slowly in many kingdoms during this period. »
« Typically, Stalin's agents used torture to force hapless victims to confess to bizarre charges such as conspiring with Germany or (later) the United States to bring down the Soviet Union from within. »
« Just as torture came to be seen by almost all Enlightenment thinkers as not only cruel, but archaic and irrational, so slavery went from being an unquestioned economic necessity to a repugnant form of continuing injustice. »

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