5 sentences with 'dominating'

Example sentences and phrases with the word dominating and other words derived from it.

« In Florence citizens voted on laws and served in official positions for fixed terms, with powerful families dominating the system. »
« Many of these Creole elites lived more like traditional nobles in Europe, dominating land-based economies, than as overseers of a more commercially based agriculture like the plantations of the Caribbean or Brazil. »
« In this way, the British East India Company expanded its power in India over the next century, directly controlling some territories, indirectly controlling others through puppet Indian princes, and economically dominating others. »
« One of the peculiar things about the Roman Republic is that its rise to power was not inevitable. No Roman leader had a 'master plan' for dominating the Mediterranean world, and the Romans of 500 BC would have been surprised to see Rome ruling a gigantic territory a few centuries later. »
« In the Río de la Plata, for example, some criollos, such as Juan José Castelli and Manuel Belgrano, considered the possibility of crowning in Buenos Aires Carlota Joaquina de Borbón, sister of the imprisoned Ferdinand VIl and wife of Juan de Braganza, then living in Brazil. This project was finally set aside as it was considered to favour the old Portuguese aim of dominating these regions. »

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