5 sentences with 'mitigate'

Example sentences and phrases with the word mitigate and other words derived from it.

« Around 100 BCE even the existence of the Plebeian Assembly did little to mitigate the effect of the debt and poverty that afflicted so many Romans thanks to the power of patronage networks overseen by powerful noble patrons. »
« At first, indulgences were granted by the Pope for good deeds that were supported by the Church; they were strongly associated with the Crusades, both to mitigate the normal spiritual consequences of the atrocities committed by the Crusaders and to reward the Crusaders for trying to reclaim the Holy Land for the Church. »
« At the same time, none of the factors that could mitigate the destructive tendencies of capitalism were financially beneficial to any individual capitalist, so Marx saw no reason for them to occur on a large scale in states controlled by moneyed interests. »
« For example, if you exercise and stay slim, you will mitigate your family's propensity for diabetes in adulthood. »
« How do you mitigate vulnerability? To begin with, think of times when you have given in to others or felt manipulated. »

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