5 sentences with 'booty'

Example sentences and phrases with the word booty and other words derived from it.

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« In theory, war was waged to spread righteousness, not just to seize territory and booty. »
« Kings not only fought wars to glorify their line and seize territory, but they also had nobles to incite them to do so, since war was also fought for booty. »
« Soldiers were paid in coins captured as booty and entire armies were expected to buy their supplies as they marched rather than rely on heavy baggage trains. »
« Some conquistadors simply launched expeditions to the New World without royal authorisation, hoping to seize enough booty to receive retroactive royal approval. »
« Slaves were one of the most lucrative forms of booty available to Roman soldiers, and so much land had been conquered by Rome that the population of the Republic was overcrowded with slaves. »

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