13 sentences with 'shipped'

Example sentences and phrases with the word shipped and other words derived from it.

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« The company shipped our order quickly and efficiently. »
« My friend shipped handmade gifts to celebrate our reunion. »
« The tech team shipped new software updates during the weekend. »
« The shipping company shipped rare books to our community library. »
« The museum shipped an exquisite artifact for restoration tomorrow. »
« Finished goods manufactured in Europe were then shipped to Africa to be traded for slaves. »
« Raw goods (e.g. sugar, tobacco, cotton, coffee, etc.) were processed in America and shipped to Europe. »
« Huge quantities of Greek statues and art were shipped to Rome as part of the spoils of war, having an immediate impact on Roman taste. »
« South American silver passed through both Spain and the Philippines en route to China, where it paid for luxury goods shipped to Spain. »
« Moreover, so much gold bullion was shipped to Europe that inflation undermined its value, another factor that weakened Spanish power over time. »
« Second, colonial regimes expropriated raw materials such as rubber, which was usually shipped to Europe to be processed into finished products. »
« Jewish prisoners who had survived up to that point were, against all odds, forced to march up to twenty miles through the Polish winter, then loaded onto cattle cars and shipped to Germany. »
« The same company also shipped civilian helicopters from Germany to Spain and Austria, where they were converted into military aircraft and re-shipped to Iraq. The company is adamant that it was not aware of the evil transformation of these helicopters, even though it owned 11 percent of the Spanish company that was involved in the work. »

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