6 sentences with 'imitated'

Example sentences and phrases with the word imitated and other words derived from it.

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« Even when Chinese rule was not political, Chinese culture was admired, imitated. »
« Soon, the Romans imitated the Greeks, writing in both Greek and Latin and creating poetry, drama and literature. »
« The fame of Renaissance art is due to the incredible creativity of the great Renaissance artists, who imitated classical models of art and ultimately forged entirely new artistic paths. »
« The Boston Associates cotton mills quickly gained a competitive advantage over the smaller mills established by Samuel Slater and those that had imitated him. Their success prompted Boston Associates to expand. »
« Existentialism enjoyed mainstream press coverage and even inspired self-styled "existentialists" in popular culture who imitated their intellectual heroes by frequenting cafés and jazz clubs on the left bank of the Seine River in Paris. »
« In the 1650s, Sweden ruled Denmark, Norway, Finland and the Baltic region. King Charles XI (r. 1660 - 1697) successfully imitated the absolutism of Louis XIV by pitting the lesser nobles against the greater nobles, forcing the nobles to serve him directly. »

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