10 sentences with 'enthusiastically'

Example sentences and phrases with the word enthusiastically and other words derived from it.

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« He ran towards her, jumped into her arms, and enthusiastically licked her face. »

enthusiastically: He ran towards her, jumped into her arms, and enthusiastically licked her face.
« After the band finished playing, the crowd applauded enthusiastically and shouted for one more song. »

enthusiastically: After the band finished playing, the crowd applauded enthusiastically and shouted for one more song.
« As the Braille volumes in the libraries were insufficient, Arie enthusiastically took on the task of reading books aloud to me. »
« It would be enthusiastically taken up by anti-Semites who claimed that Jews were a "race" with inherently destructive characteristics. »
« The same philosophers who enthusiastically attended the salons run by women often wrote against educated women who related to men as equals. »
« That same reading public also enthusiastically embraced the quintessential new form of eighteenth-century fiction: the novel, with novel-reading becoming an important leisure activity of the time. »
« The Greek intellectual legacy was enthusiastically taken up by the Romans and combined with unprecedented organisation and engineering on a scale the Greeks had never imagined, not even under Alexander the Great. »
« Dubcek relaxed censorship and allowed workers to organise themselves into soviets (councils) as they had done in the early years of the communist revolution in Russia. These reforms were enthusiastically welcomed by the Czechs and Slovaks. »
« In the 18th century there was a real reading public that enthusiastically embraced the new ideas of the Enlightenment and provided a book market both for official, copyrighted works of Enlightenment philosophy and for pirated and illegal ones. »
« Physicist Stephen Hawking has enthusiastically supported the so-called "superstring theory", the central idea of which is that the fundamental constituents of matter, negatively charged electrons and other subatomic particles, are actually made of tiny one-dimensional "strings". These can be straight or wavy, and the way they vibrate and interact with each other could explain many features of the physical world. »

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