7 sentences with 'controlling'

Example sentences and phrases with the word controlling and other words derived from it.

« The neurotransmitter epinephrine is instrumental in controlling blood pressure. »
« The Antigonids ruled over Macedonia and Greece. Despite controlling the heart of Macedonia and Greece itself, the Antigonids were the weakest of the Hellenistic monarchies. »
« Henry VII proved extremely adept at controlling the nobility, largely through the Court of the Stars, a royal court used to try nobles suspected of betraying him or undermining the king's authority. »
« In 1542 Pope Paul III approved the creation of a permanent branch of the Church dedicated to controlling Protestantism: the Holy Office, better known as the Inquisition. »
« Taken together, this concept was called mercantilism: an economic system consisting of a royal government controlling the colonies abroad and overseeing property at home. The ultimate example of this system was the largest owner of the bullion-producing colonies: Spain. »
« In this way, the British East India Company expanded its power in India over the next century, directly controlling some territories, indirectly controlling others through puppet Indian princes, and economically dominating others. »
« Napoleon ended up controlling a million troops in 1812, the largest armed force ever seen. »
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