8 sentences with 'symmetrical'

Example sentences and phrases with the word symmetrical and other words derived from it.

« The architect designed a symmetrical bridge over the river. »
« The gardener planted symmetrical rows of flowers in spring. »
« The student solved a symmetrical equation on his whiteboard. »
« The chef arranged symmetrical dishes on the long dining table. »
« The dancer practiced a symmetrical routine during the performance. »
« It is also believed that, thanks to its symmetrical columns and beautiful carvings, the Parthenon achieves a perfect balance between elegance and grandeur. »
« From the deft manoeuvres of starlings to the symmetrical V-formations of Canada geese and the seemingly chaotic group flight of woodpeckers, flocks are one of nature's oldest and most perplexing mysteries. »
« Such a merger would come from a rather symmetrical confluence: the clumsy but fast computers urgently need to learn the brain's elegant operational tricks, and the brain needs to become more powerful, to grow in memory, and - in return - to become more durable. »

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