18 sentences with 'emperors'

Example sentences and phrases with the word emperors and other words derived from it.

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« Historians discussed emperors who once ruled vast ancient empires. »
« Children learned about emperors during an engaging history class lecture. »
« The museum exhibited intricate statues representing mighty emperors of old. »
« Zoo visitors marveled as emperors waddled slowly across the snowy enclosure. »
« The marine biologist observed emperors swimming gracefully in Antarctic waters. »
« Justinian was the last Roman emperor to speak Latin as his mother tongue; after that, all emperors spoke Greek. »
« Even as Byzantine forces struggled to retake Italy, Justinian, like the emperors who followed him, had a major problem on his eastern flank: the Persian Empire. »
« Later emperors sometimes behaved as if the laws were really irrelevant to their own conduct, and the formal relationship between the emperor and the law was never explicitly defined. »
« What made the situation stranger was the fact that the Byzantine emperors considered themselves to be fully "Roman" - from their perspective, Charlemagne's coronation by Leo III was a direct usurpation. »
« Likewise, as the centuries passed and many emperors came to seize power by force, it became painfully evident that the letter of the law was less important than the personal power of a given emperor in too many cases. »
« Of all his ideas, this concept of a philosopher-king was one of the most influential; various kings, emperors and generals influenced by Greek philosophy would attempt to model their rule on Plato's concepts until the modern era. »
« On the whole, the legal categories used to explain and excuse the reality of Augustus' vast powers worked well during his administration, but sometimes proved to be a major problem with later emperors because few were as competent as he was. »
« In reality, only under Charlemagne was the Holy Roman Empire a truly united state, but the concept (with several emperors exercising at least some degree of authority) survived until 1806 when it was finally dismantled permanently by Napoleon. »
« In fact, in the early modern period, the emperor was an elected office. That phenomenon began in 1356 when a pragmatic emperor, Charles IV, issued the Golden Bull, which created a system whereby future emperors would be elected by their most powerful subjects. »
« Emperor Severus Alexander was assassinated in 235 CE. All but one of the emperors who followed over the next fifty years were either assassinated or died in battle as well; there were twenty-six emperors in those fifty years, and only one died of natural causes. »
« Thanks to the resilience of its people, the prosperity of its trade networks and the leadership of its emperors (the effective ones, anyway), Byzantium remained a major state and culture for centuries despite its prolonged decline in power since the days of Justinian. »
« In fact, the period between the end of the five good emperors and the collapse of Rome was far more complex than that of simple decline and weakness, and even when the city of Rome was unable to defend itself, Roman civilisation left a huge and permanent impression on Western civilisation. »
« Many emperors remained on the throne for only a few months before they were assassinated. Not surprisingly, in this environment, most emperors were only concerned with taking the throne or staying alive once they had it, meaning that they tended to neglect everything important to the stability of the Empire. »

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