4 sentences with 'infuriated'

Example sentences and phrases with the word infuriated and other words derived from it.

« However, Athens' decision to support the rebellion infuriated the Persians, and Darius began planning a full-scale invasion of Greece. »
« In London, the response to the tea destruction was swift and strong. The violent destruction of property infuriated King George III and the prime minister, Lord North, who insisted that the loss be reimbursed. »
« I am infuriated by the militants of the women's liberation movement. They keep haranguing people and endlessly proclaim that women are smarter than men. That is true, but the secret must be kept, or our game will be spoiled. »
« One of the things about his thought that infuriated almost everyone was that Spinoza claimed that there was no such thing as "spirit" or "soul" - the whole universe was merely matter, and the only way to really learn about how it worked was to combine empirical experimentation with mathematics. This "materialism", as it was called at the time, was so close to outright atheism that it was almost indistinguishable. »

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