8 sentences with 'obscure'

Example sentences and phrases with the word obscure and other words derived from it.

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« His way of writing and explaining things that are often difficult for the layman make him almost a celebrity in the sober and obscure world of paleontologists, and outside it his fame is growing. »
« From the beginning of "official" Christianity, Constantine financed the construction of huge churches, including St. Peter's Basilica in what is now the Vatican (at the time an obscure cemetery in Rome). »
« Thus, in less than thirty years, Persia had grown from an obscure kingdom in the middle of the Iranian plateau to the largest land empire in the entire world, larger even than China (under the Eastern Zhou dynasty) at the time. »
« Perhaps most importantly, what began as an obscure cult in Roman-ruled Judea eventually became one of the world's great religions - Christianity - through its successful spread throughout the Roman Empire before the collapse of the Western Empire. »
« For more than 300 years aviation went through an obscure period, with no achievements, until in 1809 George Cayley, considered the father of aviation, clearly stated the principle of the aeroplane and tested a model of his creation in the last years of his life. »
« The British settlement where the Romans made their stronghold was Londinium, a name as obscure as the Thames, which has resisted all attempts to find its origin and meaning. So the Romans used the Latin ending to designate their fortification, which became Londinium. »
« The trial of Nazi Adolf Eichmann was highly publicised and began the process of transforming the Holocaust from being only an obscure memory of its survivors, largely unknown or overlooked by historians and the general public, to being perhaps the most infamous event of the 20th century. »
« Although the Allied authorities were able to piece together the basic features of the Holocaust, several aspects remained obscure for decades. Most survivors were deeply hesitant to talk about what they had been through, and even in the newly founded Jewish state of Israel, most attention focused on acts of resistance of symbolic importance, such as the famous Warsaw ghetto uprising of the Jews in 1944, rather than on the millions who died. »

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