Sentences with 'assuming'

Example sentences and phrases with the word assuming and other words derived from it.

« When a man reached the age of twenty, assuming he was judged worthy, he was elevated to the rank of "Equal" - a full Spartan citizen - and received a land grant that ensured he could concentrate on military discipline for the rest of his life without having to worry about earning a living. »
« There, Philip and the king of the Seleucid empire (called Antiochus III) had agreed to divide the eastern Mediterranean, assuming that they could defeat and control the entire Greek polis. »
« It soon became clear that Napoleon completely dominated the other two members, and in 1802 he was declared (by his compliant government) Consul for life, assuming total power. »
« Although Cromwell enjoyed widespread popularity at first, in time it seemed to many in England that he was assuming the powers of a military dictator. Dissatisfaction with Cromwell grew. »

See sentences with related words - 1998 - 2022