5 sentences with 'poorest'

Example sentences and phrases with the word poorest and other words derived from it.

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« Now all but the poorest could afford the necessities and some of life's little luxuries. »
« On the other hand, the poorest free citizens were completely exempt from taxation, making it easier for them to stay out of debt and contribute to Athenian society (and the military). »
« In an oligarchy, anyone with enough money could hold office, laws were written and known to all free citizens, and even the poorest citizens could vote (though only yes or no) on laws passed by the councils. »
« Not only were the 19th century tsars arch-conservatives, but the vast majority of the Russian population had no interest in political change. They were among the poorest, least educated and most oppressed in Europe: the Russian serfs. »
« A tradition of prophets, later remembered as the Prophetic Movement, emerged among certain individuals who sought to represent the poorest and most beleaguered members of the community, calling for a return to the more communal and egalitarian society of the past. »

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