10 sentences with 'revival'

Example sentences and phrases with the word revival and other words derived from it.

« The Archaic Age saw the revival of sustained contact with foreign cultures, beginning with the development of Greek colonies on the Greek islands and on the west coast of Anatolia; »
« Similarly, under Charlemagne there was a revival of interest in ancient writings and in Latin itself. »
« Each of them ascended the throne in a fairly quick succession after his death in 1547; under Edward and Mary (both of whom died of natural causes after only a few years), the kingdom oscillated between a more extreme form of Protestantism and then an attempted Catholic revival. »
« In addition to the edicts and councils convened by the popes, the Catholic Reformation benefited from the revival of Catholic religious orders. By far the most important new religious order was the Society of Jesus, better known as the Jesuits. »
« The new fervour led to a revival of religious orders focused on reaching out to the common people rather than remaining sequestered from the public in monasteries and convents. »
« Throughout the century there was a major shift in socialism: until 1848, socialism consisted of a movement that shared a concern for the plight of workers and the revival of organic social bonds. »
« The elite ministers of British America were firmly Old Lights, and decried the new revival as chaos. Indeed, revivals sometimes led to excesses. »
« Another outburst of Protestant revival began in New Jersey, led by a Dutch Reformed Church minister named Theodorus Frelinghuysen. Frelinghuysen's example inspired other ministers, including Gilbert Tennent, a Presbyterian. »
« Tennent helped spark a Presbyterian revival in the middle colonies (Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey), in part by founding a seminary to train other evangelical clergy. »
« In 1809, Tecumseh, a Shawnee war chief, rejuvenated the Western Confederacy. His brother, Tenskwatawa, was a prophet among the Shawnee who urged revival of native customs and rejection of Anglo-American culture, including alcohol. »
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