7 sentences with 'indifferent'

Example sentences and phrases with the word indifferent and other words derived from it.

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« My grandfather had a glacial personality. Always cold and indifferent. »

indifferent: My grandfather had a glacial personality. Always cold and indifferent.
« The Enlightenment was also against "tyranny", which meant the arbitrary rule of a monarch indifferent to the welfare of his subjects. »
« Also, the gods of most religions were largely indifferent to the actions of individuals as long as the proper prayers were recited and rituals performed. »
« After a month we started dating again, but I had learned my lesson: I stopped gawking at her and, when I was with her, I could be so indifferent and aloof. »
« He told God that he did not want to be selfish: "If it is not your will that she be saved, your will be done". But neither did he want to appear indifferent: "But you know how much I want her to be relieved. »
« In other words, Dante was indifferent to the entire period of the Middle Ages, concentrating instead on what he imagined would be the spiritual destiny of the great thinkers and heroes of the classical age (and blithely relegating the Italians he hated to hellish torments). »
« Napoleon was indifferent to luxury and worked tirelessly, often sleeping only four or five hours a night, and his intellectual gifts (amazing powers of memory, above all) were such that he was able to effectively micromanage his entire empire through written directives to subordinates. »

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