10 sentences with 'exile'

Example sentences and phrases with the word exile and other words derived from it.

« While in exile, Machiavelli undertook a new work of political theory which he entitled The Prince. »
« More than 1,300 German aircraft attacked Poland at once in the first stage of the invasion, and Poland capitulated in October, with its government fleeing into exile in London. »
« Charles X fled into exile in England, the last Bourbon monarch to occupy the throne of France, and his cousin Louis Philippe of the Orléans branch of the royal line became king. »
« Machiavelli dedicated the work to the Medici in the hope that he would be allowed to return from exile (he detested the rural peasants among whom he lived in exile and longed to return to cosmopolitan Florence). »
« Fearing that his execution would make him a martyr to the French, the coalition leadership opted to exile Napoleon instead, and he was sent to an estate on the small Mediterranean island of Elba, near his native Corsica. »
« Most Jews and Muslims chose to go into exile, mostly to the relatively tolerant and economically prosperous kingdoms of North Africa or to the (highly tolerant by the standards of European kingdoms at the time) Ottoman Empire. »
« In the decades that followed, the slightest sign of dissent by a Russian subject was grounds for imprisonment or exile to a Siberian prison village, and thus kept at bay the political and social changes sweeping the rest of Europe. »
« Many of the great Russian novelists spent at least part of their lives in Siberia as a result; even Dostoevsky, who ended up as a deeply conservative thinker hostile to radical, or even disruptive, politics, spent part of his life in exile. »
« In Babylon itself, the thousands of Hebrews in exile not only came to this idea, but developed the strict set of religious customs, of marriage laws and ceremonies, of dietary laws (i.e., keeping a kosher diet), and the duty of all Hebrew men to study the holy books, all in order to preserve their identity. »
« The real hammer blow of the Diaspora came in the 130s AD, when the Romans destroyed much of Jerusalem and forced almost all the Jews into exile - the word Diaspora itself means "dispersion", and with the destruction of the Jewish kingdom by Rome there would be no Jewish state again until the founding of the modern nation of Israel in 1948 AD. »

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