11 sentences with 'battles'

Example sentences and phrases with the word battles and other words derived from it.

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« Don't forget that your neighbor may be facing invisible battles. »

battles: Don't forget that your neighbor may be facing invisible battles.
« The epic poem narrated heroic feats and epic battles that defied the laws of nature. »

battles: The epic poem narrated heroic feats and epic battles that defied the laws of nature.
« King Pyrrhus won two major battles against the Romans, but in the process lost two-thirds of his troops. »
« He immediately engaged the Persian forces and began winning battles, securing Anatolia and the rich Greek port cities in 333 BC and Syria in 332 BC. »
« From Egypt, the Greek armies moved east, defeating the Persians in two more major battles, culminating in 330 BC when they took Persepolis, the Persian capital. »
« Alexander the Great was exhausted and riddled with wounds from the many battles he had fought, but Macedonian and Greek tradition required him to drink heavily with his generals. »
« In a sense, Roman expansion (and especially the brutal wars against Carthage) had united the Romans; despite their constant political battles within the assemblies and senate, there had never been any real bloodshed. »
« As warfare is depicted in the Iliad, battles consisted of the elite noble warriors of each side facing each other and fighting face to face, with the ranks of the poorer soldiers as support, but usually not participating in actual combat. »
« Similarly, despite the famous and accurate accounts of key battles in which the Spartans were victorious, or at least symbolically victorious, they were loathe to be drawn into wars, especially those that involved more than a few days' march from Sparta. »
« Consider the recent film adaptations of the most famous battles of the Persian War, 300 and 300: Rise of an Empire, in which the Persians are depicted as literally monstrous, ruled by a comically evil six-foot-tall king. The fact that both Sparta and Athens were slave-based societies is not part of the narratives of these films. »
« The problem with Justinian's wars, both the reconquest in the west and the ongoing battles with the Persians in the east, was that they were enormously expensive. Because his forces won enough battles to constantly plunder, and because the empire was relatively stable and prosperous under his reign, he was able to maintain these efforts during his lifetime. »

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