8 sentences with 'trading'

Example sentences and phrases with the word trading and other words derived from it.

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« The Greeks established trading posts in the areas where they settled, including Egypt. »
« He continued to sail along the coast of France, trading and noting the cultures of the people he encountered. »
« The Greeks went from being a great travelling and trading culture to one largely isolated from their neighbours. »
« Solomon was an effective ruler, forming trading relationships with nearby kingdoms and overseeing Israel's growing wealth. »
« The Ptolemies maintained trading posts along the Red Sea and as far south as present-day Eritrea and Ethiopia, trading for ivory and gold from the African interior. »
« Greece managed to develop its unique political institutions and culture as part of a wider Mediterranean 'world', trading, raiding and settling alongside many of the other Iron Age civilisations. »
« There was a rich diplomatic exchange between the Egyptian kings and the kings of their neighbouring lands - in general, they spent far more time trading with their neighbours and sending gifts to each other than they did waging war. »
« From their ships, the Mycenaeans operated as trading partners and raiders as circumstances dictated; it is clear from archaeological evidence that they traded with Egypt and the Near East (i.e. Lebanon and Palestine), but it is equally clear that they raided and fought both against vulnerable foreign territories and each other. »

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