7 sentences with 'prospered'

Example sentences and phrases with the word prospered and other words derived from it.

« Rome prospered during this period under this relatively meritocratic system of political succession. »
« Iranian society was highly educated and its economy prospered, but its government was an oppressive autocracy. »
« The Bronze Age was, in short, the period during which civilisation itself spread and prospered throughout the area. »
« Both the new cities founded by Alexander the Great and his successors and the ancient Greek settlements along the eastern shores of the Mediterranean grew and prospered. »
« Around 1400, accused of satanic practices, some members of the Borgia family were expelled from Spain. In Rome and Florence, changing their surname to Borgia, they prospered. »
« The sectors of the British economy that benefited from Thatcherite policies were financial in nature: banks in particular prospered when regulations were abandoned and banks were legally allowed to make large profits through financial speculation. »
« The Catalans' enthusiasm for business dates back to the 14th century, when the Catalan/Aragonese federation dominated much of the Mediterranean and traded gold in the part of Africa south of the Sahara. Catalan merchants prospered in that federation, which encompassed the entire eastern quadrant of present-day Spain, a section of France, the southern half of Italy, the Balearic Islands, Sardinia and Sicily. »

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