6 sentences with 'ensured'

Example sentences and phrases with the word ensured and other words derived from it.

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« The prices commanded by spices ensured that Venetian merchants could achieve incredible wealth. »
« First, Egypt's dry climate ensured that records preserved on papyrus had a good chance of surviving as they were unlikely to rot. »
« The Centurian Assembly was divided into five different classes based on wealth (a system that ensured that the rich could always vote more than the poor). »
« The Assyrian style of government ensured the hatred of the conquered peoples. They demanded constant tribute and taxes and channelled luxury goods to their major cities. »
« Living conditions for slaves were often atrocious, and strict supervision and the use of violent discipline ensured that no slave revolt succeeded (despite the best efforts of revolt leaders, such as Spartacus in the 1st century BC). »
« By converting to Latin Christianity, Clovis ensured that the Goths' subjects would welcome him as a liberator rather than a foreign invader. He was proved right, and by 507 the Franks controlled almost all of Gaul, including the formerly Gothic territories along the frontier. »

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