9 sentences with 'oversaw'

Example sentences and phrases with the word oversaw and other words derived from it.

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« She ruled for 20 years, waged war and oversaw a period of continuous prosperity. »
« He also oversaw the construction of the Great Temple of Abu Simbel mentioned above. »
« They oversaw the construction of roads and canals useful to traders and derived much of their income from silk textiles. »
« The ongoing wars with Persia represented the greatest expense the Emperor Justinian faced, even as he oversaw the campaigns in Italy. »
« Each bishop oversaw the activity of the diocese, also following the imperial structure, instructing the people in Christian doctrine and building networks of charity. »
« A single royal official with vast personal power, the vizier, oversaw the entire system and personally decided when to open the Nile locks to allow the floodwaters to flow out each year. »
« Each state, large and small, oversaw diplomatic exchanges written in Akkadian (the international language of the time) by maintaining relations, offering gifts and demanding concessions as circumstances dictated. »
« Moreover, Tiberius oversaw a momentous shift in the priorities of the Roman state: the Roman Empire no longer embarked on a sustained campaign of expansion as it had done since the early decades of the Republic half a millennium earlier. »
« In short, Augustus Caesar oversaw the consolidation of Roman power after the decades of civil war and strife that preceded his inauguration, and the vast majority of Romans and Roman subjects were content with the demise of the Republic because of the greater stability that Augustus' reign represented. »

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