11 sentences with 'millennium'

Example sentences and phrases with the word millennium and other words derived from it.

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« An artist painted a mural representing hope in a millennium view. »
« The ancient temple celebrated a new millennium with vibrant festivities. »
« The community planted a thousand trees, marking a unique millennium event. »
« They unveiled a futuristic monument predicting changes throughout the millennium. »
« Scientists discovered fossil records spanning a millennium of Earth's transformation. »
« During the third millennium BC, chariots became increasingly important in warfare. »
« Why does Nostradamus tell us that the turn of the millennium will bring the end of humanity? »
« It was an ancient belief that at the end of a millennium the world would end. This cataclysm could occur because of a new tilting of the earth's axis. »
« Poor hygienic conditions, common to all the cities of Europe in the first millennium, were the common cause of the terrible plagues that decimated their inhabitants. »
« In the Aran valley, surrounded by peaks between 2500 and 3000 metres above sea level, isolated villagers speak a variant of Gascon dating back a millennium, while in bustling, cosmopolitan Barcelona, shops showcase Parisian fashions alongside the creations of avant-garde Catalan couturiers. »
« The earliest documented accounts of cosmetics come from pre-dynastic Egypt - from 3800 BC. As early as the second millennium, Egyptian ladies painted themselves with green malachite, with galena, used ochre with gold dust for their faces and plucked their eyebrows, painting other eyebrows on top of them. »

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