6 sentences with 'minds'

Example sentences and phrases with the word minds and other words derived from it.

« In turn, the priests were probably the world's first intellectuals, people who use their minds for a living. »
« Newton was a professor of mathematics at Cambridge University at the age of 27 and was recognised in his own lifetime as one of the great minds of his time. »
« In the minds of the bourgeoisie, as workers' movements and socialist parties grew, the demands of the working class for shorter working hours spoke not of their exhaustion and exploitation, but of their laziness and lack of work ethic. »
« Since the ancient Greeks, the proud distinction between civilisation and barbarism had been maintained in the minds of the social and political elites of "the West", yet it was some of those same elites who perpetrated the ultimate act of barbarism in the 20th century: the Holocaust. »
« Memories, unbidden, assail their minds and, if anything, fade over the years. There is something in their favour in facing these sorrows deliberately and directly. »
« One fine day they took the podium, received their diploma or university degree, declared themselves educated people, and never read another book, never examined a new idea, never exercised their minds in anything beyond the elementary to earn a living or to excel in society, or both. »

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