9 sentences with 'priesthood'

Example sentences and phrases with the word priesthood and other words derived from it.

« The existence of a priesthood and an organised cult at Çatal Höyük is surprising, because it means that people were systematically trying to understand how the world worked. »
« They soon rose to positions of political power in their cities, working with the priesthood to maintain control over the common people. »
« The Mesopotamian priesthood supported the idea that the gods had chosen the kings to rule, a belief that quickly bled into the idea that the kings were at least partly divine. »
« David and Solomon supported the priesthood, so there was a direct link between the growing Yahwist faith and the political structure of Israel. »
« In the process, the Yahwist priesthood added the book of Deuteronomy to the ancient sacred writings (the priests claimed to have discovered Deuteronomy, but almost all historians of ancient religion believe that it was simply written at that time). »
« A powerful institutional relationship emerged between the rulers and the magi (the Zoroastrian priesthood) in which Sassanid rule was justified by the direct and unequivocal support of the religious power structure. »
« In the end, Luther argued that the pope, and by extension the whole church, were irrelevant to spiritual salvation. He argued that true Christians were part of the priesthood of believers, united by their faith and without need of the Catholic Church. »
« The life of the Palaeolithic painters and engravers was a priesthood dedicated to artistic activities. Not only because they spent whole days in a torch-lit cave giving shape and colour to the rocks, but also because they passed on their experience to the children who, as a game, were responsible for collecting the materials necessary for their work. »
« Scholars believe that the city was used for religious ceremonial purposes and housed the priesthood. »

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