5 sentences with 'geographically'

Example sentences and phrases with the word geographically and other words derived from it.

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« Islam's point of origin, the Arabian Peninsula, is geographically very close to Judaism and Christianity. »
« For centuries, Greece itself was too remote, geographically, and too poor, in terms of natural resources, to tempt foreign invaders to try to take control. »
« In 1618, the King of Brandenburg inherited the kingdom of East Prussia, and in the following years smaller territories west of the Rhine River. From this series of geographically unconnected territories emerged the country now known as Germany. »
« Throughout its history, Argentina has had to resolve border issues not only with all the countries surrounding it - Uruguay, Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia and Chile - but also with Great Britain, even though the latter is a very distant nation geographically. »
« However, the divisions of the Cold War were perhaps stronger in Europe than anywhere else, because the European subcontinent was divided geographically along Cold War lines: in the west the predominant political and economic pattern was a combination of democracy and regulated market capitalism, while in the east it was one of communist domination and command economies dominated by the Soviet Union. »

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