6 sentences with 'decrees'

Example sentences and phrases with the word decrees and other words derived from it.

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« From the other side of the mosquito net, my mother decrees: -Come back when the church bell rings. »
« In other words, Pascal said that there was nothing fixed or eternal or God-given about royal decrees and laws; they were arbitrary customs imposed by the state. »
« In order to ensure that Columbus' findings remained Spanish, the Spanish monarchs turned to the Spanish-born Pope Alexander VI, who issued two papal decrees in 1493 that gave legitimacy to Spanish claims to the Atlantic at Portugal's expense. »
« And, above all, the emperor's decrees were the fundamental basis of the law itself; they could not be appealed or challenged in the name of some kind of imagined higher authority or written constitution. The emperor was not just the law, he was the law. »
« The emperor had the right to issue decrees, but any member state of the empire could safely ignore those decrees unless the emperor was prepared to back them up with his own force (i.e. after 1438, the Habsburgs were prepared to mobilise their own armies). »
« Charlemagne spent almost his entire reign travelling around his empire with his armies, both conducting wars and issuing decrees. He insisted, eventually, that these decrees be written down, and the form of 'code' used to ensure their authenticity was simply that they be written in grammatically correct Latin, something that almost no one outside Charlemagne's court (and some members of the Church scattered around Europe) could achieve thanks to the abysmal state of education and literacy at the time. »

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